Authenticate with HubSpot CRM

You can authenticate with HubSpot CRM to create your own instance of the HubSpot CRM element through the UI or through APIs. Once authenticated, you can use the element instance to access the different functionality offered by the HubSpot CRM platform.

Authenticate Through the UI

Use the UI to authenticate with HubSpot CRM and create an element instance. HubSpot CRM authentication follows the typical OAuth 2 framework and you will need to sign in to HubSpot CRM as part of the process.

When you authenticate through the Cloud Elements UI, you pass different scopes depending on the Cloud Elements version (see below). If you cannot authenticate with the default scopes used by the UI, you can pass specific scopes when authenticating via API.

If you are configuring events, see the Events section.

  1. Sign in to Cloud Elements, and then search for HubSpot CRM in our Elements Catalog. Search
  2. Hover over the element card, and then click Authenticate. Create Instance
  3. Enter a name for the element instance.
  4. Choose the Authentication Type.
    • oauth2: Skip to the next step.
    • apiKey: Add your HAPIKey that you noted in the API Provider Setup.
  5. Click Show Optional Fields. Enter the HAPIKey in Hubspot API Key.
  6. To allow for bulk uploads, set Create Bulk Properties for Migration to True.
  7. Ignore any other settings.
  8. Optionally type or select one or more Element Instance Tags to add to the authenticated element instance.
  9. Click Create Instance.
  10. Provide your HubSpot CRM credentials, and then allow the connection.

After successfully authenticating, we give you several options for next steps. Make requests using the API docs associated with the instance, map the instance to a virtual resource, or use it in a formula template.

Authenticate Through API

You can authenticate with HubSpot CRM in one of two ways: OAuth 2.0 and API Keys. HubSpot CRM recommends API Keys for prototyping and OAuth 2.0 for production integrations. For more information, review HubSpot CRM's Authentication Overview. Go to the section that matches your authentication method:

OAuth API Authentication

Authenticating through API using OAuth 2.0 is a multi-step process that involves:

Redirect URL

Authenticate Users

Authenticate Instance

Getting a Redirect URL

Redirect URL

Authenticate Users

Authenticate Instance

Use GET /{page.elementKey}/oauth/url to request a redirect URL and pass scope to Hubspot. The scope parameter values that you include in the request must match the permissions granted to the authorizing user and their account. Some scopes apply only to Marketing accounts (such as content, reports, social, and automation) while others apply to both Marketing and CRM accounts (such as contacts, timeline, and files). If you include Marketing scopes when authenticating with Hubspot CRM, users will receive a Permissions error if their account does not include Marketing permissions.

To be certain that your users can authenticate, you should pass the specific scopes granted to the users and their account. Review the Hubspot OAuth 2.0 scope documentation for the complete list of scopes.

However, if you do not pass any scopes or pass scope without any values, see the table below for the default scopes passed with the GET /{page.elementKey}/oauth/url request.

Scope Parameter Default Scope
Hubspot CRM with no scope parameter
ex. GET /{page.elementKey}/oauth/url?apiKey=...&apiSecret=...&callbackUrl=...
contacts, timeline, and files
Hubspot CRM with a scope parameter with no value
ex. GET /hubspotcrm/oauth/url?apiKey=...&apiSecret=...&callbackUrl=...&scope=
contacts, timeline, files, content, reports, social, automation, forms
Hubspot Marketing with no scope parameter
ex. GET /{hubspot}/oauth/url?apiKey=...&apiSecret=...&callbackUrl=...
contacts, timeline, files, content, reports, social, automation, forms
Hubspot Marketing with a scope parameter with no value
ex. GET /hubspot/oauth/url?apiKey=...&apiSecret=...&callbackUrl=...&scope=
contacts, timeline, files, content, reports, social, automation, forms

The examples below include recommended scope values. For Hubspot Marketing Basic account users, we recommend not including the automation scope.

Use the following API call to request a redirect URL where the user can authenticate with the service provider. Replace {keyOrId} with the element key, hubspotcrm.

curl -X GET "/elements/{keyOrId}/oauth/url?apiKey=<api_key>&apiSecret=<api_secret>&callbackUrl=<url>&scope=contacts%20timeline%20files"

Query Parameters

Query Parameter Description
apiKey The key obtained from registering your app with the provider. This is the Client ID that you recorded in API Provider Setup section.
apiSecret The secret obtained from registering your app with the provider. This is the Consumer Secret that you recorded in API Provider Setup section.
callbackUrl The URL that will receive the code from the vendor to be used to create an element instance.
scope A space separated set of Hubspot scopes that your app can access. Scopes listed in this parameter are required for your app, and the user will see an error if they do not have access to any scope that you included.

Example cURL

curl -X GET \
  '' \

Example Response

Use the oauthUrl in the response to allow users to authenticate with the vendor.

"element": "hubspotcrm",
"oauthUrl": ""

Authenticating Users and Receiving the Authorization Grant Code

Redirect URL

Authenticate Users

Authenticate Instance

Provide the response from the previous step to the users. After they authenticate, HubSpot CRM provides the following information in the response:

  • code
  • state
Response Parameter Description
code The Authorization Grant Code required by Cloud Elements to retrieve the OAuth access and refresh tokens from the endpoint.
state A customizable identifier, typically the element key (hubspotcrm) .

Authenticating the Element Instance

Redirect URL

Authenticate Users

Authenticate Instance

Use the /instances endpoint to authenticate with HubSpot CRM and create an element instance. If you are configuring events, see the Events section.

To create an element instance:

  1. Construct a JSON body as shown below (see Parameters):

      "element": {
        "key": "hubspotcrm"
      "providerData": {
        "code": "<AUTHORIZATION_GRANT_CODE>"
      "configuration": {
        "authentication.type": "oauth2",
        "oauth.callback.url": "<CALLBACK_URL>",
        "oauth.api.key": "<CONSUMER_KEY>",
        "oauth.api.secret": "<CONSUMER_SECRET>",
        "": "false",
        "filter.response.nulls": true
      "tags": [
      "name": "<INSTANCE_NAME>"
  2. Call the following, including the JSON body you constructed in the previous step:

    POST /instances
  3. Locate the token and id in the response and save them for all future requests using the element instance.

Example cURL

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'authorization: User <USER_SECRET>, Organization <ORGANIZATION_SECRET>' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "element": {
    "key": "hubspotcrm"
  "providerData": {
    "code": "xoz8AFqScK2ngM04kSSM"
  "configuration": {
    "authentication.type": "oauth2",
    "oauth.callback.url": "https;//",
    "oauth.api.key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "oauth.api.secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "": "false",
    "filter.response.nulls": true
  "tags": [
  "name": "API Instance"

API Key API Authentication

To authenticate using a Hubspot HAPIkey:

  1. Construct a JSON body as shown below (see Parameters):

      "element": {
        "key": "hubspotcrm"
      "configuration": {
        "authentication.type": "apiKey",
        "": "false",
        "filter.response.nulls": true
      "tags": [
      "name": "<INSTANCE_NAME>"
  2. Call the following, including the JSON body you constructed in the previous step:

    POST /instances
  3. Locate the token and id in the response and save them for all future requests using the element instance.

Example cURL

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'authorization: User <USER_SECRET>, Organization <ORGANIZATION_SECRET>' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "element": {
    "key": "hubspotcrm"
  "configuration": {
    "authentication.type": "apiKey",
    "": "false"
  "tags": [
  "name": "API Instance"


API parameters not shown in Cloud Elements are in code formatting.

Parameter Description Data Type
key The element key.
code The authorization grant code returned from the API provider in an OAuth2 authentication workflow. string
The name for the element instance created during authentication. string
authentication.type Identifies how you are authenticating with HubSpot CRM. Either oauth2 or apiKey. string
Create Bulk Properties for Migration
Identifies if you want to create custom properties in Hubspot for bulk uploads. string, must be true (Yes) or false (No)
oauth.callback.url OAuth 2.0 authentication only. The URL where you want to redirect users after they grant access. This is the Callback URL that you noted in the API Provider Setup section. string
oauth.api.key OAuth 2.0 authentication only. The Client ID from HubSpot CRM. This is the Client ID that you noted in the API Provider Setup section string
oauth.api.secret OAuth 2.0 authentication only. The Client Secret from HubSpot CRM. This is the Client Secret that you noted in the API Provider Setup section string
Hubspot API Key
API Key authentication only. The hubspot API key that you noted in the API Provider Setup section string
tags Optional. User-defined tags to further identify the instance. string

Example Response for an Authenticated Element Instance

In this example, the instance ID is 58772 and the instance token starts with "ABC/D...". The actual values returned to you will be unique: make sure you save them for future requests to this new instance.

  "id": 58772,
  "name": "API Instance",
  "createdDate": "2017-08-01T16:12:43Z",
  "token": "ABC/Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/9DROw=",
  "element": {
    "id": 229,
    "name": "Hubspot CRM",
    "hookName": "HubSpotCRM",
    "key": "hubspotcrm",
    "description": "HubSpot is an inbound marketing software platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers.",
    "image": "elements/provider_hubspot.png",
    "active": true,
    "deleted": false,
    "typeOauth": true,
    "trialAccount": false,
    "configDescription": "If you do not have a HubSpot account, you can create one at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HubSpot Signup</a>",
    "defaultTransformations": [  ],
    "objectMetadata": [  ],
    "transformationsEnabled": true,
    "bulkDownloadEnabled": true,
    "bulkUploadEnabled": true,
    "cloneable": false,
    "extendable": true,
    "beta": false,
    "authentication": {
        "type": "oauth2"
    "extended": false,
    "hub": "crm",
    "protocolType": "http",
    "parameters": [],
    "private": false
      "elementId": 168,
      "tags": [
      "provisionInteractions": [],
      "valid": true,
      "disabled": false,
      "maxCacheSize": 0,
      "cacheTimeToLive": 0,
      "configuration": {    },
      "eventsEnabled": false,
      "traceLoggingEnabled": false,
      "cachingEnabled": false,
      "externalAuthentication": "none",
      "user": {
          "id": 3306