
The Tips section includes more information about the element including FAQs, endpoint limitations, and general tips.

Database Connection

If you are having trouble connecting to your database, check your config file to make sure the port and bind-address have been set.

Example Config:

port = 3306
bind-address           = localhost
#bind-address           = external

In this example, the localhost bind-address is not commented out so it will be used as the value in the POST /instance configuration. The port is set to 3306. In this case when you authenticate an element instance, use as the value for

If you want to expose the external bind-address, then comment out the localhost bind-address.

If you want to expose both sources (localhost and external), then comment out both addresses.

Column Names

MySQL is a database element that is constructed from your database table structure. Spaces in column names are not supported.


Events are based on timestamp in the database with or without time zone.

API Documentation

Cloud Elements does not have any generic API docs available to view.