
Cloud Elements supports events via polling or webhooks depending on the API provider. If you would like to see more information on our Events framework, please see the Event Management Guide.

Supported Events and Resources

Cloud Elements supports polling events for Google Suite. After receiving an event, Cloud Elements standardizes the payload and sends an event to the configured callback URL of your authenticated element instance.


You can configure polling through the UI or in the JSON body of the /instances API request .

You can set up events for the following resources:

  • calendars/{calendarId}/changed-events
  • calendars/primary/changed-events
  • changed-groups
  • changed-messages

Configure Polling Through the UI

For more information about each field described here, see Parameters.

To authenticate an element instance with polling:

  1. Enter the basic information required to authenticate an element instance as described in Authenticate with Google Suite .
  2. Enable events: Switch Events Enabled on. event-enabled-on
  3. Add an Event Notification Callback URL.
  4. Use the Event poller refresh interval (mins) slider or enter a number in minutes to specify how often Cloud Elements should poll for changes.
  5. Optionally type or select one or more Element Instance Tags to add to the authenticated element instance.
  6. Click Create Instance.
  7. Provide your Google Suite credentials, and then allow the connection.

After successfully authenticating, we give you several options for next steps. Make requests using the API docs associated with the instance, map the instance to a virtual data resource, or use it in a formula template.

Configure Polling Through API

Use the /instances endpoint to authenticate with Google and create an element instance with polling enabled.

To authenticate an element instance with polling:

  1. Get an authorization grant code by completing the steps in Getting a redirect URL and Authenticating users and receiving the authorization grant code.
  2. Construct a JSON body as shown below (see Parameters):

        "code": "<AUTHORIZATION_GRANT_CODE>"
        "oauth.api.key": "<Google app Client ID>",
        "oauth.api.secret": "<Google app Client secret>",
        "oauth.callback.url": "<Google app Authorized redirect URI>",
        "event.notification.enabled": true,
        "event.notification.callback.url": "",
        "event.poller.refresh_interval": "<minutes>",
          "calendars/{calendarId}/changed-events": {
            "url": "/hubs/general/calendars/{calendarId}/changed-events",
            "idField": "",
            "datesConfiguration": {
              "updatedDateField": "updated",
              "updatedDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
              "updatedDateTimezone": "GMT",
              "createdDateField": "created",
              "createdDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
              "createdDateTimezone": "GMT"
          "calendars/primary/changed-events": {
            "url": "/hubs/general/calendars/primary/changed-events",
            "idField": "",
            "datesConfiguration": {
              "updatedDateField": "updated",
              "updatedDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
              "updatedDateTimezone": "GMT",
              "createdDateField": "created",
              "createdDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
              "createdDateTimezone": "GMT"
          "changed-groups": {
            "url": "/hubs/general/changed-groups",
            "idField": "id",
            "datesConfiguration": {
              "updatedDateField": "metadata.updateTime",
              "updatedDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
              "updatedDateTimezone": "GMT",
              "createdDateField": "metadata.updateTime",
              "createdDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
              "createdDateTimezone": "GMT"
          "changed-messages": {
            "url": "/hubs/general/changed-messages",
            "idField": "id"
  3. Call the following, including the JSON body you constructed in the previous step:

    POST /instances
  4. Locate the token and id in the response and save them for all future requests using the element instance.

Example cURL with Polling

curl -X POST \ \
-H 'authorization: User <USER_SECRET>, Organization <ORGANIZATION_SECRET>' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"element": {
  "key": "googlesuite"
"configuration": {
    "oauth.api.key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "oauth.api.secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "event.notification.enabled": true,
      "event.notification.callback.url": "",
    "event.poller.refresh_interval": "15",
      "calendars/{calendarId}/changed-events": {
        "url": "/hubs/general/calendars/{calendarId}/changed-events",
        "idField": "",
        "datesConfiguration": {
          "updatedDateField": "updated",
          "updatedDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
          "updatedDateTimezone": "GMT",
          "createdDateField": "created",
          "createdDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
          "createdDateTimezone": "GMT"
      "calendars/primary/changed-events": {
        "url": "/hubs/general/calendars/primary/changed-events",
        "idField": "",
        "datesConfiguration": {
          "updatedDateField": "updated",
          "updatedDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
          "updatedDateTimezone": "GMT",
          "createdDateField": "created",
          "createdDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
          "createdDateTimezone": "GMT"
      "changed-groups": {
        "url": "/hubs/general/changed-groups",
        "idField": "id",
        "datesConfiguration": {
          "updatedDateField": "metadata.updateTime",
          "updatedDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
          "updatedDateTimezone": "GMT",
          "createdDateField": "metadata.updateTime",
          "createdDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'",
          "createdDateTimezone": "GMT"
      "changed-messages": {
        "url": "/hubs/general/changed-messages",
        "idField": "id"
  "tags": [
  "name": "API Instance with Polling"


API parameters not shown in Cloud Elements are in code formatting.

Parameter Description Data Type
key The element key.
code The authorization grant code returned from the API provider in an OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow. Cloud Elements uses the code to retrieve the OAuth access and refresh tokens from the endpoint. string
The name of the element instance created during authentication. Body
oauth.api.key The API key or client ID obtained from registering your app with the provider. This is the Client ID that you noted in API Provider Setup. string
oauth.api.secret The client secret obtained from registering your app with the API provider. This is the Client secret that you noted in API Provider Setup. string
oauth.callback.url The API key or client ID obtained from registering your app with the provider. This is the Authorized redirect URI that you noted in API Provider Setup.
Events Enabled
Optional. Identifies that events are enabled for the element instance.
Default: false.
Event Notification Callback URL
The URL where you want Cloud Elements to send the events. string
Event poller refresh interval (mins)
A number in minutes to identify how often the poller should check for changes. number
Configure Polling
Optional. Configuration parameters for polling. JSON object
Resource to Poll The polling event configuration of the resource that you will monitor. JSON object
The url to query for updates to the resource. String
ID Field
The field in the resource that is used to uniquely identify it. String
tags Optional. User-defined tags to further identify the instance. string