Cloud Elements Release Notes

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Cloud Elements Version 2.159

March 26, 2018

Element Updates

E-conomic: New element

We added the E-conomic element to our catalog. E-conomic is available in the ERP hub. Connect an E-conomic account to integrate with accounts, contacts, activities, leads, and more.

Insightly: New element

We added the Insightly element to our catalog. Insightly is available in the CRM hub. Connect an Insightly account to integrate with customers, vendors, invoices, employees, and more.

QuickBooks Enterprise: Updated models for /bills and /deposits resources

We added ExpenseLineRet and ExpenseLineAddList to the models for GET /bills, POST /bills and PATCH /bills/{id}.

Google Drive: Added /me resource

Added the /me resource to retrieve information about the authenticated Google user.

Sharepoint: Added /revisions endpoints to the files resource

We added these revisions endpoints:

Twilio: Added polling for /accounts resource

You can now set up polling on the /accounts resource.

"accounts": {
    "url": "/hubs/messaging/accounts?where=date_updated='${gmtDate:EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z}'",
    "idField": "sid",
    "datesConfiguration": {
      "updatedDateField": "date_updated",
      "updatedDateFormat": "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z",
      "updatedDateTimezone": "GMT",
      "createdDateField": "date_created",
      "createdDateFormat": "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z",
      "createdDateTimezone": "GMT"

Intacct.: Updated Create Instance UI

We removed Control ID from the UI, which is not needed to authenticate an element instance.

SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer CRM: Updated models

We updated the models for Accounts, Leads, Opportunities, and Contacts.

Chargify: Added Discovery API

Use GET /objects/{objectName}/metadata to view the fields in a specified object.

Cloud Elements Platform Updates

Enhanced GET /objects/{objectName}/metadata

A GET /objects/{objectName}/metadata request now includes metadata for virtual data resources and Cloud Elements canonical resources.

New Instances page

See all of your element and formula instances on one page

Formula Instance Executions navigation improvements

We changed the Formula Instance Executions screen so you can now filter by any formula instance in your account more easily.

Ordered API Docs

Swagger documentation now displays resources in alphabetical order

Cloud Elements Version 2.157/2.158

March 19, 2018

Element Updates

Twilio: Updated models for accounts and messages resources

We updated the models for the GET /accounts, GET /accounts/{id}, GET /messages, and GET /messages/{id} endpoints.

Box: Updated models for the users resource

We updated the models for the GET /users, GET /users/{id}, POST/users, and PATCH /users/{id} endpoints.

Microsoft SQL Server: Fixed bug where a table could have multiple primary keys

Previously the element treated identity columns as primary keys even when another primary key was identified. The Microsoft SQL Server elements treats columns as primary keys only if they are designated as primary keys.

Intacct.: Updated GET /checking-accounts/{id} to GET /checking-accounts/{recordno}

The id used to specify a checking account is RECORDNO not BANKACCOUNTID.

Box: Added support to update folder descriptions

Update folder descriptions with PATCH /folders/metadata or PATCH folders/{id}/metadata.

Netsuite ERP 2016 Release 1: Added several resources

We added the following resources:

ZuoraV2: Updated subscriptions endpoints

The id path parameter in subscriptions endpoints accepts either the subscription ID or the subscription number.

Oracle Eloqua: Added accounts resource

We added the accounts resource with CRUD endpoints (GET, GET {id}, POST, PATCH, DELETE).

Hubspot Marketing: Added deals resource

We added the deals resource with CRUD endpoints (GET, GET {id}, POST, PATCH, DELETE).

Square: Updates

We fixed a pagination bug on the GET /cutomers endpoint and added the /ping endpoint.

We updated the models for:

Zoho: Updated description of the Authentication URL parameter required to authenticate an element instance

When authenticating an element instance in the UI, hover over the question mark to see more information about what values to enter based on your Zoho domain.

Oracle Eloqua: Added client-contacts resource and support for events for client-contacts

We added the client-contacts resource with CRUD endpoints (GET, GET {id}, POST, PATCH, DELETE). You can also set up polling for client-contacts.

Hubspot CRM: Added support for adding virtual data resource sub-objects to API docs

You can now add virtual data resource mapped to sub-objects at a Hubspot CRM element to the API docs. For more information, see the Release Notes for release 2.152.

Bullhorn: Support for specifying data centers

Bullhorn requires you to connect to a specific data center. When authenticating with Bullhorn, reference this table of examples (see the full list of URLs at Bullhorn):

Login URL
OAuth Authorization URL
OAuth Token URL
U.S. East Coast Data Center
U.S. West Coast Data Center
UK Data Center